Welcome !

Thanks for joining me. In this free mini-course, I’ll guide you through an embodied grounding exercise that moves into lessons on physical healing, performance, and freeing your mind from stress for a better life.



The single most important thing for an entrepreneur is discipline. Daily disciplined actions exercised with patience achieves results. This video goes through an overview of the entire mini-course and how implementing the practices can have a drastic effect over the next 30 days and beyond.

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This video explains the importance of grounding yourself in the present moment. The reality is, many people project fears of future events that they are not currently living in. Or hold onto past events that have already happened. Meditating gives you a space of clarity and calm, which has a profound effect long term.

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Physical Fitness

There are many obvious health benefits working out and getting your heart rate pumping. I would argue the biggest benefit is your confidence. The power to fight through when something gets hard like working out is all mental.

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One of my first mentors in my twenties said leaders are readers. This gives you a practical way to read everyday without spending a lot of time. Also, a way to hold yourself accountable in a major way.

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If your mind isn’t clear it is hard to come up with anything new. Journaling helps to release mental blocks that allow you to be more precise in your thoughts, word and deed. Now it is time to turn it into habit to add clarity to your life.

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Intake (Food)

This is a combination of two videos around drinking water and eating healthy food. Unfortunately the foods we put into our bodies are destroying our immune systems. Let’s see what flushing out your system with purity can do.

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Intake (Water)

This is a combination of two videos around drinking water and eating healthy food. Unfortunately the foods we put into our bodies are destroying our immune systems. Let’s see what flushing out your system with purity can do.

Mental Abundance Program

If you loved this mini-course, I invite you to check out my Mental Abundance Program that builds on what you learned today and adds accountability to the next level by keeping your word to what you want success to look like for you.